Patricia Grey
Patricia Gray, 500 RYT, and has taught yoga for 22 years, and having taught an estimated 13,000 classes, she continues a full teaching schedule. She had a natural curiosity about yoga that began in her teens and in 1974-1975 studied with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at MIU in Fairfield Iowa. She co-directed one of Kansas City’s first yoga studios, The Yoga Center, and in 1999 co-founded the Yoga Gallery serving as owner/director for nine years. She spent six weeks in India with Rotary International allowing her a chance to study the roots of yoga. Patricia is certified to teach Bikram Yoga. In the late nineties she studied Ashtanga extensively, and also the flowing, Vinyasa styles. Max Strom is her principal teacher. Working for a chiropractor for 6 years honed her skills to assist specific physical limitations and injuries. Patricia's classes accentuate the importance of breathing, and the field of pranayama is a specialty. She teaches meditation and breathing workshops in the KC metro area along with Sami Aaron. (Beingontosomething.org)
***Many additional guest speakers will present throughout training as well!
Specialty Module Presenters/ Guest Faculty